Lemegeton, Part 3:

Ars Paulina

This edition by Joseph H. Peterson, Copyright © 1999. All rights reserved. Updated: Jun 3, 2024.

Transcribed from British Library manuscript Sloane 3825.

According to Thorndike, the "The Pauline art," was purported to have been discovered by the Apostle Paul after he had been snatched up to the third heaven, and delivered by him at Corinth.

The English text transcribed below bears no relation with the Latin text, aside from the title: For the Latin text by this name, inspired by Ars Notoria, see new translation in Matthias Castle Ars Notoria: The Notory Art of Solomon (2023). Also see Vatican Lat. 3180 fol. 43v-47r, Halle 14.B.36 295-305r, BnF 7170A fol. 9-10v (fragmentary), (16th ce), TRAPANI, Biblioteca Fardellania, 175, fol. 50-68, and LEIPZIG, Stadtsbibliothek, 829 (18th ce). Heavily Christianised, it contains prayers and figures dedicated to the Trinity, the Virgin, the angels and saints, to master scriptures in four months. (See Véronèse's ed. of Ars Notoria, p. 21).

Although the English Pauline Art is based on earlier magical texts, repeated mention of the year 1641 and guns, shows a late redaction.

For the first part of the text, the compiler of the Lemegeton seems to have taken the material directly from Trithemius' Steganographia Book 2, who may have taken from Raziel, whose book de pręstigiis & transformationibus he cites.

The descriptions of the seals for each sign of the Zodiac is evidently abstracted from Paracelsus, The Second Treatise of Celestial Medicines, cf. Archidoxes of Magic translated by Robert Turner, 1656, pp. 136 ff. These seals are not found in Sl. 2731. but that manuscript is damaged at precisely this place.

Original folio numbers are indicated like this: [140r]

NOTE: A considerably enlarged printed edition of the Lesser Key of Solomon is available:


NWU: Evanston, Illinois, Northwestern University, ms. 65: Lemegeton, or, Clavicula Solomonis regis, or, The little key of Solomon the king. Finis, Aprill the 1st, 1713, Thos. Simpkins.
P:Paracelsus, Archidoxes of Magic, translated by Robert Turner (1656, reprint New York: Samuel Weiser, 1975).
S1:London: British Library: Sloane MS 2731
S2:London: British Library: Sloane MS 3648
S3:London: British Library: Sloane MS 3825
T:Trithemius' Steganographia Book 2.
[]Alternate wording or explanation
<>Marks an error or accretion in the text that should be disregarded.

[134v] Notes:

Here Beginneth the 3d Part [of the Lemegeton,] called

The Art Pauline of King Salomon


This [book] is divided into two parts, the first containing [dealing with] the Angells of the hours of the day and night: The second part [with] the Angells of ye signs of the Zodiac as hereafter followeth &c.

The Nature of these 24 [four and twenty] Angells of the day and night changeth every day: and their offices is to doe all things that are attributed to the 7 planetts. But that changeth every day also: as for example you may see in the following Treatise That Samuel1 The Angell rulleth the first houre of the day beginnig [sic] at Sunn Rising, supose it be on a munday in the first hour of ye (that houre is attributed to the [Moon]) That you call Samuel or any of his Dukes; There offices in that houre is to doe [135v] doe all things that are attributted to the [Moon]. But if you call him or any of his Servient Dukes on Tuesday Morning at Sunn Riseing: being the first hour of the day: Their offices are to doe all things that are attributed to [Mars]. and so the like is to be observed in the first houre of every day: and the like is to be observed of the Angells and their servants that Rule any of the other hours: either in the day or night: allso againe there is an observation to be observed in makeing the Seales of these 24 Angells according to the time of the years Day and hour that you call the Angells or his servants in to doe your your [sic] will: But you cannot mise [miss] therein if you doe well observe the Example That is laid down in the following worke: They being all fitted for the 10th day of March Being one [on] a wednesday in the year 1641 according to the old account2 &c and as for to know what is attributed to the planetts, I doe referr you to the books of Astrology whereof large volumes have been written. &c c c c c.

1. T: Samael.

2. i.e. using the Julian calendar. The Gregorian calendar was adopted throughout Europe in 1582, but not in England until 1752. Many documents of the time carry both dates, or as in this case, specified which calendar they were following. -JHP

[Concerning the cheefe spirits of the hours, and their servants and seals.]

Of the first houre of any Day.1

1. The name of the first hour is not given here, but according to Wolfgang Heidel, it is Barim.

The first houre of any Day is ruled by an [the] angel called Samuel,1 who hath under his command many Dukes and servants: wherof whe shall mention 8 of the cheefe Dukes which is sufficient for practice: who have 444 servants [apiece] to attend them. Theire Names are as Followeth: Ameniel, Charpon, Darosiel, Monasiel, Brumiel, Nestoriel, Chremas, Meresyn. Now for to fitt or make a seal for any of these 8 Dukes or the cheefe prince Samuel doe as followeth -- first write the Character of ye lord of the ascendent secondly the [Moon] afterwards the Rest of the planets, and after then the characters of ye signe that ascendeth on the 12 house in that hour that is shewed in this sigill which is fitted for the 10th Day of March in the year 1641 being on a wednesday in the first house &c c:

1. T: Samael.



This seal being thus made lay it on the Table of practice, Lay your hand on it and say The Conjuration that is written at the latter end of this first part for it serveth for all onely the names are to be changed according to the time you work in &c.

The Table of Practice3


2. The seals of the seven elements are based on the "characters of the seven planets, from The Magical Calendar. See introduction.


Nota lay the seal on the Table or that of the table that is notted wth that charecter [sic] as lord of the ascendent is of, as [Mars] is lord of the ascendent in the above said seal therefore it is to be laid upon the characters of [Mars] in the table of practice: &c: doo the like with all other seales &c c c.

The perfumes are to be made of such things as are attributed to the same planetts & c c c.


The second hour of the day is called Cevorym, The Angell that governeth that hour is calld Anael, who hath 20 [70] cheefe Dukes and 100 lesser Dukes to attend him whereof we shall mentione 9: But the thre first ar of ye cheefe [greater], and the other 6 of the under [lesser] Dukes. They haue 330 [of their own] Servants [apiece] to attend them. Those 9 [in order] are as followeth vizt: Menarchos, Archiel, Chardiel, Orphiel, Cursiel, Elmoym, Quosiel, Ermaziel, Granyel. when you haue a desier to worke in the second hour of wednesday on the 10th day of march make a seal as followeth on any clean paper or parchment writting first the characters of ye Lord of the ascendent -- Then the Rest of the Planetts, and the signe of ye 12th house as yoiu may see in this following sigill and when it is made lay it upon the part of ye table as is noted with the same charrecter as the lord of the ascendent is. Observe this same rule in all the following part of this first part and you can not Eare &c Then say the conjuration as is written at ye latter end &c c c c


The 3d hour of any day is called Dansor. and the Angell that rulleth that hour is called Vequaniel. who hath 20 cheefe Dukes and 200 lesser Dukes, and a great many other servants to attend him, whereof wee shall mention 4 of the cheefe Dukes and eight of the lesser [Dukes] who hath 1760 servants to attend them there names are as followeth vizt Asmiel, Persiel, Mursiel, Zoesiel; and Drelmech, Sadiniel, Parniel, Comadiel, Gemary, Xantiel, Serviel, Furiel. These being sufficient for practice. Make a seal sutabble to the day hour and year as this is for the time before mentioned and you cannot Erre, then say the Conjuration.


The 4th hour of any day is called Elechym, and the Angell thereof is called Vathmiel, who hath 10 cheefe Dukes and 100 under [lesser] Dukes, besides many servants whereof wee shall mention 5 of the cheefe and 10 of the under [lesser] Dukes; who have 1550 servants to attend them. Their names are as followeth: viz Armmyel, Larmich, Marfiel, Ormyel, Zardiel, Emarfiel, Permiel, Queriel, Strubiel, Diviel, Jermiel, Thuros, Vanesiel, Zasviel, Hermiel. These being sufficient for practice. make a seal suitable to this hour as is before directed and you can not erre: the form it will be as this is heare for the time aforsaide &c when it is made: doe as before directed: and say The conjuration: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



The 5th hour of every day is called Fealech, and the angel thereof is called Sasquiel. he hath 10 Dukes cheefe, and 100 lesser Dukes and very many servants whereof wee shall mention 5 of the cheefe Dukes and 10 of ye the lesser [Dukes] who have 5550 servants to attend [on] them whose names are as followeth, vizt: Damiel, Araniel, Maroch, Saraphiel, Putisiel; Jameriel, Futiniel, Rameriel, Amisiel, Uraniel, Omerach, Lameros, Zachiel, Fustiel, Camiel, These being sufficient for ^to practice: then make a seal suetable for the time as I here giue you an Example ^of for the day before spoken of in the year 1641 and when you haue made it lay it upon the Table as you was before shewed and say the conjuration: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The 6th houre of the day is called Genapherim, and the Angell rulling that houre is called Saniel, who hath 10 cheefe Dukes and 100 lesser Dukes besides many other Inferiour servants whereof wee shall mention 5 of the cheefe and 10 of the lesser [Dukes] who have 5550 servants to attend them: whose names are as followeth vizt: Arnebiel, Charuch, Medusiel, Nathmiel, Pemiel, Gamyel, Jenotriel, Sameon, Trasiel, Xamyon, Nedabor, Permon, Brasiel, Camosiel, Evadar. They being sufficient for practice in this houre of the day. Then make a seal sutable to the time of the day year and hour as here is made one for the time aforesaid Then lay it on the Table as you was before directed and you cannot erre. Then say the conjuration &c c c c c c c



The 7th houre of the day is called Hamarym, and the Angell that governeth the same is called Barquiel, who hath 10 cheefe dukes and a 100 under [lesser] Dukes besides servants which are very many whereof wee shall mention 5 of the cheefe Dukes and 10 of the lesser who have 600 servants which attend them in this hour: whose names are as followeth viz: Abrasiel, Farmos, Nestorii, Manuel, Sagiel, Harmiel, Nastrus, Varmay, Tulmas, Crosiel, Pasriel, Venesiel, Evarym, Drufiel, Kathos. They being sufficient for practice in this houre &c. Then make a seal here I giue you an Example Then lay on the Table as you was directed before & haveing all things in readines say the conjuration, &c c c c c


The 8th hour of every day is called Jafanym, and the angell [that] governeth the same is called Osmadiel, who hath a 100 [10] cheefe Dukes and 100 lesser Dukes besides very many other servants whereof wee shall mention 5 of the cheefe Dukes and 10 of the lesser who have 1100 servants to attend them -- They being sufficient for Practice: There names are as followeth vizt: Sarfiel, Amalym, Chroel, Mesial, Lantrhots, Demarot, Janofiel, Larfuty, Vemael, Thribiel, Mariel, Remasyn, Theoriel, Framion, Ermiel. &c. Then make a seal for this 8th houre as os shewed by this seal which is made for an example - then lay it on the table: and say the conjuration following &c c c c c


The 9th hour of every day is called Karron, and the Angell rulling it is called Quabriel who hath many Dukes, 66 of ye greater and lesser order: besides many other servants: which are more Inferiour whereof 10 of the greater and 100 of the lesser Dukes have 192980 servants in 10 orders to obey and serve them whereof we shall mention the names of five great [greater] Dukes and 10 [of the] lesser Dukes who have 650 cheefe servants to attend on them in this houre they being sufficient for practice: These be their names: vizt: Astroniel, Charmy, Pamory, Damyel, Nadriel, Kranos, Menas, Brasiel, Nefarym, Zoymiel, Trubas, Xermiel, Lameson, Zasnor, Janediel. and when you haue a desier to make an experiment in this house make a seal as you was tought before the forme of this is for an example and when it is made lay it on the Table as you was directed before Then say the Conjuration: &c c c c c



The 10th hour of every Day is called Lamarhon and the angell rulling it is called Oriel who hath many Dukes and servants divided into 10 orders which contain 5600 spirits whereof wee shall mention 5 of the cheef Dukes & 10 of the next lesser Dukes who hath 1100 servants to attend on them. They being sufficient for practice. Their names are as followeth vizt Armosy, Drabiel, Penaly, Mesriel, Choreb, Lemur, Ormas, Charny, Zazyor, Naveron, Xantros, Basilon [Basilion], Nameron, Kranoti, Alfrael. and when you have a desier to practice in this houre make a seal sutable to the time: as this hear is made for the 10th hour on wednesday the 10th of march in the year 1641 it being for an examble [sic] and when it is made lay it on the Table of practice: and say the conjuration &c c c c c


The 11th hour in every day is called Maneloym, and the angel governing that hour is called Bariel, who hath many Dukes and servants which are divided into 10 parts which contain ye number of 5600 whereof wee shall mention 5 of the Dukes of the first order and 10 lesser Dukes of the second order, who have 1100 servants to attend them, They being sufficient for practice. Their names are as followeth vizt: Almarizel [Almariziel], Prasiniel, Chadros, Turmiel, Lamiel, Menafiel [Menasiel], Demasor, Omary, Helmas, Zemoel, Almas, Perman, Comial, Temas, Lanifiel. and when you would practice make a seal sutable to ye time of the day: as I shew you here by an Example: and when it is made lay it on the Table of practice: and say the Conjuration &c c c c c


The 12 hour of every day is called Nahalon: and the Angell governing that hour is called Beratiel, who hath many Dukes and other servants which are divided into 12 degrees the which containe the number of 3700 spirits in all whereof wee shall mention 5 the cheefe Dukes and 10 of the lesser Dukes: who have 1100 servants to attend them, they being sufficient for practice. Their names are as followeth: vizt: Camaron [Camarom], Astrofiel, Penatiel, Demarac [Demarae], Famaras, Plamiel, Nerastiel, Fimarson, Quirix, Sameron, Edriel, Choriel, Romiel, Fenosiel, Harmary. and when you have a desier to worke in this hour make a seal sutable to the time as I have here for the same hour But the 10th of march in ye year 1641. when you have thus made it lay it on the Table of practice and lay your hand on it. and say the conjuration &c c c c c



The first hour of every night is called Omalharien, and the Angell ruling it is called Sabrathan who hath 1540 Dukes and other servants: which are divided into 10 orders or parts, whereof wee shall mention 5 of the cheefe Dukes and 10 of the lesser Dukes: which are next to the 5 first: They being sufficient for practice in this houre. Their names are as followeth viz: Domaras [Domoras], Amerany, Penoles, Mardiel, Nastul, Ramesiel, Omedriel, Franedac, Chrasiel, Dormason, Hayzoym, Emalon, Turtiel, Quenol, Rymaliel. They have 2000 servants to attend them and when you would worke in this houre make a seal sutable to the time as this is for an Example Then lay the seal on the Table of practice: and you cannot erre: saying the conjuration &c c c c c


The 2d hour of the ^every night is called Panezur, and the Angell rulling it is called Tartys. who hath 101550 to attend him they being divided into 12 degrees or orders whereof wee shall mention 6 of the cheefe Dukes of the first order & 12 of the next: They being sufficient for practice: Their names are as followeth viz Almodar, Famoriel, Nedroz, Ormezyn, Chabriz, Praxiel, Permaz, Vameroz, Emaryel [Ematyel], Fromezyn, Ramaziel, Granozyn, Gabrinoz, Mercoph, Tameriel, Venomiel, Jenaziel, Xemyzin. These have 1320 servants to attend them in this hour to doe their will and when you will worke in this hour make a Seal sutable to [sic] for the time as I have here given an Example for the time aboue mentioned then lay it on ye table: and say the conjuration, &c c c c c


The 3d hour of the night is called Quabrion, and the angel governing it is called Serquanich who hath 101550 servient Dukes and servants to attend him: The which are divided into 12 Degrees of orders whereof wee shall mention 6 Dukes of the first order and 12 of the second: They being sufficient for practice. whose names are as followeth viz Menarym, Chrusiel, Penargos, Amriel, Demanoz, Nestoroz, Evanuel, Sarmozyn, Haylon, Quabriel, Thurmytz, Fronyzon, Vanosyr, Lemaron, Almonoyz, Janothyel, Melrotz, Xanthyozod: These have 1320 servants to attend them and when you will make any experiment in this houre make a Seal sutable to the time as I have here exemplifyed for the time aforesaid Then lay it on the Table of practice and say the conjuration, &c c c c c



The 4th hour of the night is called Ramersy, and the angell that governs it is called Jefischa -- who hath 101550 Dukes and other servants, which are divided into 12 orders or degrees to attend him, whereof we shall mention 6 of the cheefe Dukes: and 12 of those that are of the second order, they being sufficient for Practice: Their names are as followeth: vizt Armosiel, Nedruan, Maneyloz, Ormael, Phorsiel, Rimezyn, Rayziel, Gemezin, Fremiel, Hamayz, Japuriel, Jasphiel, Lamediel, Adroziel, Zodiel, Bramiel, Coreziel, Enatriel. Those have 7260 servants to attend them and if you haue a desier to operate in this houre: make a seal sutable for the time you have one here for this howre for the time abouesaid it being for an Example Then lay the seal upon the Table of Practice and say the conjuration, &c c c c c


The 5th houre of the night is called Sanayfar, and the ^this angel is called Abasdarhon. he hath 101550 Dukes and other servants at his command: They being divided into 12 degrees of orders whereof wee shall mention 12 of the Dukes belonging to the first order and as many of the second order, They being sufficient for practice for this hour: There names are as followeth vizt: Meniel, Charaby, Appiniel, Deinatz, Nechorym, Hameriel, Vulcaniel, Samelon, Gemary, Vanescor, Samerym, Xantropy, Herphatz, Chrymas, Patrozyn, Nameton, Barmas [Barmos], Platiel, Neszomy, Quesdor, Caremaz, Umariel, Kralym, Habalon. who have 3200 servants to attend them and if you make any Experiment In this hour, make a seal sutable to the time as this seal is suted for the time aforesaid being ye 10th of March 1641 it being for an example. Then lay it on the Table of practice and doe as you where directed before & say the conjuration, &c c c c c



The 6th hour of every night is called Thaazaron, and the angell governing it is called Zaazenach, who hath 101550 Dukes and other servants at his command to attend him, they being divided in 12 parts and [or] orders; whereof wee shall mention 12 of the cheefest Dukes in the first order and 6 of the second order they being sufficient for practice in this hour. Their names are as followeth: vizt: Amonazy, Menoriel, Prenostix, Namedor, Cherasiel, Dramaz, Tuberiel, Humaziel, Lanoziel Lamerotzod, Xerphiel, Zeziel, Pammon, Dracon, Gematzod, Enariel, Rudefor, Sarmon, who have 2400 servants to attend on them & if you make any experiment in this hour make a seal fitt for the time as this is for The Time before spoken of Then lay it on the Table and say the conjuration, &c c c c c


The 7th houre of every [the] night is called Venaydor, and its angell is called Mendrion, who hath 101550 dukes & other servants to attend him. They being divided into 12 orders, whereof we shall mention 12 of the first cheefe dukes and 6 of ye next lesser sort They being sufficient for practice -- Their names are as followeth: vizt: Ammiel, Choriel, Genarytz, Pandroz, Menesiel, Sameriel, Ventariel, Zachariel, Dubraz, Marchiel, Jonadriel, Pemoniel, Rayziel, Tarmytz, Anapion, Jmonyel, Framoth, Machmag, who have 1860 servants to attend them & when you make any Experiment make a seal sutable to the time as you have hear an Example. Then lay it on ye Table: and say the conjuration, &c c c c c


Nota I supose this seal to be wrong and that it must be as the following seal of the 8th houre:

The 8th hour of every night is called Xymalim, and the angell rulling it is called Narcoriel, who hath 101550 Dukes & other servient spirits to attend him, they being divided into 12 degrees or orders, whereof we shall mention 12 of the first order and 6 of the next order, They being sufficient to practice in this hour. Their names are as followeth vizt Cambiel [Cambriel], Nedarym, Astrocon, Marifiel, Dramozyn, Lustifion, Amelson, Lemozar, Xernifiel, Kanorsiel, Bufanotz, Jamedroz, Xanoriz, Jastrion, Themaz, Hobraiym, Zymeloz, Gamsiel: who have 30200 [36200] servants to attend them and when you make any Experiment in this houre make a seal sutable to the time as you have here in Example for the time aforesaid. Then lay it on the Table and say the conjuration, &c c c c c



The 9th hour of the night is called Zeschar and the angell rulling it is called Pamyel. he hath 101550 dukes & other servants to attend him who are divided into 12 parts or orders, whereof wee shall mention 18 of the cheefe Dukes whose names are as followeth: vizt Demaor, Nameal, Adrapan, Chermel, Fenadros, Vemasiel, Comary [Camary], Matiel, Zenoroz, Brandiel, Evandiel, Tameriel, Befranzy, Jachoroz, Xanthir, Armapy, Druchas, Sardiel. Who have 1320 servants to Attend them and when you make any Experiment in this hour make a seal sutable to the time as you have hear and [sic] example for the time aforesaid. Then lay it on the table and lay your hands on it: and say the conjuration, &c c c c c


The 10th hour of the night is called Malcho, and the angell governing it is called Iassuarim, who hath a 100 cheefe dukes and a 100 lesser dukes besides many other servants, whereof wee shall mention 6 that is three of the first order and 3 of the second order who have 1620 servants. There names are as followeth: vizt Lapheriel, Emarziel, Nameroyz, Chameray, Hazaniel, Uraniel. and when you operate in this houre make a seal sutable to the time as this is for time in the month of March 1641. then lay it on the Table And say the conjuration, &c c c c c


The 11th hour of ye night is called Aalacho, and the angell governing it is called Dardariel, who hath many servants and dukes whereof we shall mention 14 of the cheefe dukes and 7 of ye lesser Dukes who have 420 servants to attend them: They are all good and obey gods lawes. Their names are as followeth: vizt: Cardiel, Permon, Armiel, Nastoriel, Casmiroz, Dameriel, Furamiel, Mafriel, Hariaz, Damar, Alachuc, Emeriel, Naveroz, Alaphar, Nermas, Druchas, Carman, Elamyz, Jatroziel, Lamersy, Hamarytzod. and when you haue a desere to make an Experiment: make a Seal sutable for the time as this is for the time in the month of March 1641. Then lay it on the Table and say the conjuration, &c c c c c



The 12 hour of the night is called Xephan, and the angell governing it is called Sarandiel, who hath many dukes and servants whereof wee shall mention 14 of ye cheefe and good Dukes of the first order and 7 of those of ye second order: who have 420 servants to attend on them. Their names are as followeth: vizt Adoniel, Damasiel, Ambriel, Meriel, Denaryz, Emarion, Kabriel, Marachy, Chabrion, Nestoriel, Zachriel, Naveriel, Damery, Namael, Hardiel, Nefrias, Irmanotzod, Gerthiel, Dromiel, Ladrotzod, Melanas. and when you haue a desier to make any Experiment in this hour make a sigill sutable to the time as this is hear for the same hour for the 10th of March in the year 1641 and when it is so made lay it on the Table of practice and lay your hand on it and say this conjuration following:


The Conjuration as followeth:

O thou mighty great and potent Angell Samael who ruleth in the first hour of ye day -- I the servant of the most high god: doe conjure and entreat thee in the name of ye most omnipotent and Immortall Lord god of hosts: Jehovah * Tetragrammaton, and by the name of that god that you are obedient to and by ye head of ye hierarchy and by the seal or marke that you are known in power by and by the 7 Angels that stand before the Throne of god and by the 7 planetts and their seals and characters and by the angel that rulleth The signe of ye 12 house wch now ascends in this last ^first hour that you would be graciously pleased to gird up and gather thy ^your selfe together & by devine permission to move and come from all parts of the world, wheresoever you be and shew thy ^your selfe visibly and plainly in this Cristall stone to the sight of my Eyes speaking with a voice Intelligible and to my understanding and that you would be favorably pleased That I may have familliar frindship [friendship] and constant socity [society] both now and at all times when I shall call thee forth to visible appearance to Informe and direct me in all things that I shall seem good and lawful unto the Creator and Thee: o thou great and powerfull angele Samael. I invocate, adjure, command & most powerfully call you forth from your orders and place of Residence to visible appirition [appearance] in and through these great and mighty Incomprehensible signall3 and divine names of the great god who was and is and ever shall be Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay Amioram, Hagios, Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and by and in the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven whose power and vertue is most Effectual for the calling you forth [and ordering of the creation] and commandeth you to Transmitt your Rayes vissible and perfectly into [unto] my sight: and your voice to my Ears, in and threw this Cristall stone: That I may plainly see you and perfectly hear you speak unto me. Therefore move yee, o Thou mighty and blessed angell Samael: and in this potent name of the great god Jehovah: and by the Imperiall dignity Thereof [141r] descend and shew your self vissible and perfectly in a pleasant and comely form before me in this Cristall stone: to the sight of my Eyes speaking with a voyce Intelligible and to my apprehension: shewing, declaring & accomplishing all my desires that I shall aske or Request of you both herein and in whatsoever Truths or things else that is Just and lawfull before the presence of Almighty god: the giver of all good gifts: unto whome I begg that he would be graciously plased [pleased] to bestow upon me: O thou servant of mercy Samael, be thou therefore unto me friendly: and doe for me as for the servant of the highest [most high] god: so farr as god shall given you power in office to performe: whereunto I move you in Power and presence to appear that I may sing with his holy angells Omappa-la-man, Hallelujah, Amen.
3. Signall: extraordinary.

But before you call any of the princes or the Dukes: you are to Invocate his cheefe governing Angell that governeth the hour of the day or of the night, as follows:

The Invocation as followeth:

O Thou mighty and potent angell Samael, who is by the decree of the most high king of glory Ruler and governour of the first hour of the day I the servant of the highest doe desier and entreat you by these 3 great and mighty names of god: Agla, [On],4 Tetragrammaton and by the power and vertue Thereof to assist and help me in my affairs: and by your power and authority, to send and cause to come and appear to me all or any of these angells that I shall call by name: that are residing under your government, to Instruct, help, aid and assist me, in all such matters and Things according to their office, as I shall desier and request of them (or him) and that they may doe for me as for the servant of ye highest creator.

4. NWU: "Agla, On,..."; S2, H, S1: "Aglaon...."

Then Beginn to Invocate them as followeth:

O thou mighty and potent angel Ameniel, who rulleth by divine permission under The great and potent angell Samael, who is the great and potent angel rulling this first hour of the day: I the servant of the most high god doe conjure and entreat thee In the name of the most omnipotent and Immortall lord god of hosts Jehovah *

Note from this sign *: to continue the contents of ye above written conjuration, &c.

and when any spirit is come bidd him wellcome: Then aske your desier, and when you have done, dismiss him according to your orders of dissmission. &c c c c c

& so endeth the first part of the Art Pauline, &c


The second part of the Art Pauline.

Which containeth the Mysticall names of the Angells of ye signes in general, and allso the names of the Angells of every degree and ye signes in general who are called the angells of men: because in some one of those signs and degrees, every man is born under. Therefore he that knoweth the moment of his Birth he may know the angel that governeth him [by the following art]: and thereby he may obtaine to all arts and sciences, yea to all ye wisdome and knowledge that any mortall man can desier in this world: But note this: Those angells that are attributed to the fire have more knowledge therin than any other: So those that belong to the Aire have more knowledge therin [in aerial matters] than any other [order of spirit]: and those of ye water have more knowledge therin then any other: and allso those of the Earth have more knowledge therein then any other: and to know wch belong to the fire, ayre, Earth, or water: observe the nature of the signes and you cannot erre: for those that are attributed to [Aries]: are of the same nature, [namely fire,] and so the like in the rest. But if any Planett is in that degree that ascends: Then that angell is of the nature of the signe and Planett both, &c. Observe this following method and you cannot but obtaine your desiere &c.

The Planets
[Mars] [Venus] [Mercury] [Moon] [Sun] [Mercury] [Venus] [Mars] [Jupiter] [Saturn] [Saturn] [Jupiter]
The signes
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricornus Aquarius Pisces
The Nature of the signes
Fire Earth Ayer wayter Fire Earth Ayer wayter Fire Earth Ayer wayter
The Angels5
Aiel Tual Giel Cael Ol voil Jael Josel [Sosol] Suiajasel Casujojah [Casuijah] Ausiul [Ansuil] Pasil [Pasiel]

5. Sl. 3648: Aiel, Tual, Giel, Cael, Ol, Voill, Jael, Sosol, Suiaiasel, Casujosah, Ausiul, Pasil;

Sl. 2731: Aiel, Tual, Giel, Cael, Ol, Violl, Jael, So Sol, Suiaiaseh, Casuiasah, Ausim, Pasil;

NWU: Aiel, Tual, Giel, Cael, Ol, Viol, Iael, Sosol, Sujajasel, Casujojah, Ausuil, Pasiel;

These 12 names are attributed by 12 signes of the Zodiac: Because of these [those] that doe not know the very [i.e. exact] decree [degree] of their nativity: so that they may make use of these if he know but the signe that ascends, &c. The names of the other angells which are attributed to Every degree are as followeth:


                 1         2          3          4         5          

Aries            Biael     Gesiel     Hael       Vaniel    Zaciel     

Taurus           Latiel    Hujael     Sachiel    Gneliel   Panael

Gemini           Latiel    Nagael     Sachael    Gnaliel   Paniel     

Cancer           Sachiel   Metiel     Asel       Sachiel   Mihel      

Leo              Mechiel   Satiel     Ajel       Mechiel   Sahel      

Virgo            Celiel    Senael     Nasael     Sangiel   Gnaphiel   

Libra            Ibajah    Chaiel     Sahael     Naviel    Saziel     

Scorpio          Teliel    Jeniel     Cesiel     Lengael   Naphael    

Sagittarius      Taliel    Janiel     Casiel     Langael   Naphael    

Capricornus      Chushel   Temael     Jaajah     Cashiel   Lamajah    

Aquarius         Chamiel   Tesael     Jaajeh     Camiel    Lashiel    

Pisces           Lachiel   Neliel     Sanael     Gnasiel   Pangael    

                 6         7          8          9         10         

Aries            Cegnel    Japhael    Itael      Cakiel    Lariel     

Taurus           Jezisiel  Kingael    Raphiel    Tezael    Gnakiel    

Gemini           Tzisiel   Kingael    Raphiel    Gnetiel   Bakiel     

Cancer           Aniel     Sasael     Magnael    Aphiel    Sersael    

Leo              Aniel     Masiel     Sengael    Aphiel    Metziel    

Virgo            Parziel   Tzakiel    Kriel      Rathiel   Tangiel    

Libra            Gnachiel  Patiel     Trajael    Kachiel   Baliel     

Scorpio          Satziel   Gnakiel    Periel     Tzethiel  Rengliel   

Sagittarius      Satziel   Gnakiel    Periel     Tzangiel  Jebiel     

Capricornus      Naajah    Sasajah    Gnamiel    Paajah    Izashiel   

Aquarius         Naajah    Samiel     Gnashiel   Paajah    Izamiel    

Pisces           Tzapheal  Kphiel     Ratziel    Tarajah   Gnathiel   

                 11        12         13         14        15         

Aries            Natheel   Sagnel     Gabiel     Pegiel    Gadiel     

Taurus           Beriel    Gethiel    Dagnel     Vabiel    Zegiel     

Gemini           Geriel    Dathiel    Hegnel     Vabiel    Zagiel     

Cancer           Makael    Ariel      Sethiel    Magnael   Abiel      

Leo              Sekiel    Ariel      Gnethiel   Sagiel    Abiel      

Virgo            Gnasiel   Bagiel     Gediel     Dahiel    Hevael     

Libra            Tamael    Gnamiel    Bangiel    Gepheel   Datziel    

Scorpio          Rebiel    Tagiel     Gnadiel    Bevael    Geziel     

Sagittarius      Regael    Tediel     Gnaheel    Bevael    Geziel     

Capricornus      Kmiel     Riajah     Tashiel    Gnamiel   Baajah     

Aquarius         Kshiel    Raajah     Tamiel     Gnashiel  Baajah     

Pisces           Bengiel   Gebiel     Dagiel     Hadiel    Vahajah    

                 16        17         18         19        20         

Aries            Kheel     Leviel     Hezael     Geciel    Betiel     

Taurus           Chadiel   Tahiel     Javiel     Chazael   Bachiel    

Gemini           Chadiel   Tahiel     Javiel     Chazael   Bachiel    

Cancer           Sagel     Madiel     Athiel     Savael    Maziel     

Leo              Magiel    Sadiel     Athiel     Muviel    Saviel     

Virgo            Vaziel    Zachiel    Chetiel    Tiiel     Jechiel    

Libra            Hekiel    Variel     Zethiel    Chengiel  Tibiel     

Scorpio,         Dachiel   Hephiel    Vagael     Zackiel   Chabiel    

Capricornus,     Gashiel   Dashiel    Haajah     Vashiel   Zamiel     

Pisces           Zavael    Chazael    Tachael    Jatael    Cajaiel    

         21        22         23         24        25         

         Giel      Dachael    Habiel     Vagel     Zadiel     

         Getiel    Dajiel     Hachael    Vabiel    Zagiel     

         Achiel    Setiel     Maiel      Achael    Sabiel     

         Achiel    Metiel     Siel       Achael    Mabiel     

         Cabiel    Bagiel     Gediel     Dahiel    Hoviel     

         Jagiel    Cediel     Behel      Gevael    Daziel     

         Tagiel    Jadiel     Cahael     Baviel    Gezael     

         Chael     Tashiel    Jashiel    Ciajah    Beshael    

         Bachiel   Gabiel     Dagiel     Hediel    Vahejah    

         26         27        28         29        30         

         Chahel     Tavael    Jezel      Cechiel   Hetiel     

         Chadiel    Tahiel    Javael     Chaziel   Sachael    

         Magiel     Adiel     Sahiel     Meviel    Aziel      

         Sagiel     Adiel     Mahiel     Savael    Aziel      

         Vaziel     Zachiel   Chetivel   Tajael    Jachiel    

         Heckiel    Vatiel    Zajel      Chechiel  Tehiel     

         Dachael    Hatiel    Vajael     Zachiel   Chasiel    

         Gamael     Daael     Heshael    Vamiel    Zaajah     

         Zavael     Chazael   Tachiel    Jatael    Cajael     


Note, the following formulae are given in apothacary symbols which have the following meaning:

= 1 ounce = 28.35 grams

= 1 dram = 3.54 grams = 1/8 oz

[Au] = gold

[Sn] = tin

[Ag] = silver

[Cu] = copper

[Fe] = iron

[Pb] = lead

[Hg] = mercury

"Roman numerals (lower case) are always used following a symbol to designate the number of units read, but if the abbreviation is used, Arabic numerals are used and preceed the abbreviation; for example 3iv or 4dr. For less that one unit, ½ may be designated by "ss" following the symbol, but other fractions must be designated by Arabic numeral fractions."6

6. Merck Index, and Encyclopedia of Chemicals and Drugs, Merck & Co., Inc., New Jersey, 10th Edition, 1983, p. MISC-71.

These are the 12 Seales wch are attributed to the Signes & Angells aforegoeing.



Make this seal of [Fe] [oz.]ss [Au] [dr.]ii [P adds: [Ag] [dr.]i] [Cu] [dr.]ss and melt them together when the [Sun] entereth the first Degree of [Aries]. Then on [Tuesday], the [Moon] being in 9 or 10 degrees of [Aries], and make it and finish it &c c c c c.



Make this seal of [Cu] [oz.]i [Sn] [dr.]i [Fe] [oz.]ss [Au] [dr.]ii [P reads: [Au] [oz.]ii ] and melt them together in the very point the [Sun] entereth [Taurus], and so finish itt &c c c c c.



Make this seal of [Au] [dr.]i [Ag] [dr.]i and melt them together when the [Sun] entereth [Gemini], and make a lamin thereof when [the is in [Leo] or [Pisces] &c c c c c.




Make this seal of [Ag] when the sun entereth [Cancer] in the hour of [the [Monday at 6, 13, or 20 hours,] she [the Moon] encreasing and in a good aspect &c c c.



Make this seal of [Gold] when he [the Sun] entereth [Leo], then after when [Jupiter] is in [Pisces] engrave the first figure, and the other side, when the [Moon] is in [Pisces], it must not come into the fire any more, but once, that is, when it is melted &c c c c c c.



Make this seal of [Cu] [dr.] i [Au] [oz.] ss [Ag] [dr.] ii [Sn] [dr.] ss and melt them on [Sun] day when the [Sun] entereth [Virgo], then afterwards, when [Mercury] is well aspected, on his day [Wednesday] engrave the words and Characters as you see in the figure &c c c c c c c c c c.




Make this seal of [Cu] melted powered [poured] & made when [the entreth [Libra].



Make this seal of [Fe] and in this day and hour [Tuesday at 6, 13, or 20 hours], when [the entereth [Scorpio], and in that hour engrave the forepart of it, and afterwards, when [the entereth [Aries], engrave the other.



Make this seal of pure [Sn] in the hour that [the entereth [Sagittarius], and engrave it in the hour of [Jupiter] [Thursday at 6, 13, or 20 hours]. This seal is to be hung in a silver Ring. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~




Make this seal of [Gold], and a Ring of [Cu] to hang it in, and when [the entereth [Capricorn], and engrave it when [Saturn] is well aspected and in his day and houre [Saturday at 6, 13, 20 hours.]



Make this seal of [Au] [oz.] ss [Pb] [dr.] ii [Fe] [dr.] i and melt them when [the entereth [Aquarius], and engrave them as you see in the figure when [Saturn] is in ye 9th house &c.



Make this seal when [the entereth [Pisces], of [Au] [Fe] [Cu] [Ag] of each [dr.]ii, of [Sn] [oz.]ss, and let them be melted and engraven both in that hour of his increase, &c.


So when you know the Angell that governeth the sign, & degree of your nativity, and haveing the seal redy prepared that is suetable to the sign and dgree [degree] as is shewed before, then you are next to understand what order he is of and under what prince as is shewed hereafter in the ffollowing part.

First those genii that are attibruted [attributed] to [Aries], [Leo], & [Sagittarius] are of the Fiery region, and are governed by Michael, The great Angell who is one of the great messengers of god, which is towards the South; therefore those geniis are to be observed in the first hour on a Sunday and at the eighth, allso at three and ten at night directing yourselfe towards that quarter. they appear in Royal Robes holding scepters in their hands, oft Ryding on a Lion or a Cock. their robes are of a red and saffron collor and most commonly the [they] assume the sheap of a crowned queen, very beautifull to behold &c.

Secondly those geniis that are attributed to [Taurus], [Virgo], & [Capricorn], are of the Earthy [terrestrial] Region and governed by Uriel, who hath three princes to attend him viz, Cassiel, Sachiel, & Assaiel. Therefore the geniis that are attributed to him and those signs are to be observed in the West, They appear like Kings having green and silver Robes, or like little children or women delighting in hunting &c. [They are to be observed on] Saturdays. at the first and eighth hours of the day and at night at the third and tenth hours, You are with privacy to obtaine your desiers, directing yourselfe towards the West &c --.

Thirdly those geniis that are attributed to [Gemini], [Libra], & [Aquarius], are of the aeiry [aerial] region, whose sovereign prince is called Raphael; who hath under him 2 princes, wch are called Miel & Seraphiel. Therefore those genii wch are attributed to him and those signs are to be observed towards the east, on a wednesday, the first and eighth hours of the day and at night the third & tenth houre. they appear like kings or beautiful young men cloathed in Robes of divers collours, But most commonly like women Transcendently handsome; by reason of their admirable whiteness and Beauty &c.

Fourthly & lastly Those genii that are attributed to [Cancer], [Scorpio], & [Pisces] are of the watry [watery] region, and are governed by Gabriel, who hath under him 3 mighty princes, vizt Samael, Madiel, & Mael. Therefore those genii which are attributed to these signes that are governed by gabriel, and are to be observed on a munday towards the north at the first & 8th houres of the day, and at night at the 3d & 10th houres; they appear like kings haveing green and silver Robes or like little Children or women delighting in hunting &c.

So in the next place wee are to consider ^observe the season of the year according to the constellations of the celestial Bodies, otherwise wee shall lose all our labour, for if the genius be of Jyneal5 Hierarchy, its in vaine to observe him in any other season but when the sun entereth those signs which are of his nature, that is [Aries], [Leo], & [Sagittarius]:

5. S2, S1, H: Igneal, i.e. belonging to ine of the fire signs. -JHP


So if it be a geniis [genius] of the Earth he is to be observed when [the entereth [Taurus], [Virgo], and [Capricorn], and so the like in the rest.

Or otherwise thus [Another rule that may be observed instead is this]: those geniis that are of the order of the fire, are to be observed in ye summer quarter & those of the earthy in Autume [autumn], and those of the ayr [air] in the spring, and those of ye water in the winter quarter -- &c.

Their offices are to all things that are Just and not against the laws of the great god Jehovah But what is for our good and what shall concerne the protection of our life, our beinge & well being & doeing good to & oblidging [obliging] our neighbours, &c.

Now he that desireth to see his genius, ought to prepare himselfe accordingly. Now if his genius be of the fire his demands must be the consecration ^conservation of his Body or person that he receives no hurt ffrom or by any fire armes guns or the like and haveing a seal sutable, ready prepared, he is to weare it when he hath a desier to see his genius, That he may conferme it to him & for the time to come he may not fail of his assistance and protection at any time or occasion &c.

But if his genius be ayeriall [aerial] he reconcileth mens natures Increaseth love and affection between them causeth the deserved favour of kings and princes & secretly promoteth marriages: & Therefore he that hath such a genius before he observeth him should prepare a seal suitable to his order that he may have it confermed by him in the day and hour of observation, where of he shall see wonderfull & strange Effects and so the like of ye other 2 hierarchies:

and when the time is come that you would see yr genius Turne yr face towards that quarter the signe is, and that with prayers to god: they being composed to your fancy, but sutable to ye matter in hand and there thou shalt find him; and haveing found him and sincerely acknowledged him doe your duty. Then will he, as being Benigne & sociable Illuminate your minde, takeing away all that is obscure & darke in the memory and make thee knowing in all sciences sacred & divine in an instant &c --

[Here followeth] a form of prayer wch ought to be said upon that cost [coast] or quarter where the genius is several times, it being an Exorcisme to call the genius into the christall [crystal] stone that is to stand upon the Table of practice before shewed, it being covered with a white linnen [linen] cloth. Note this prayer may be altered to the mind of the worker, for it is here set for [to serve as] an Example &c c c.

[The Conjuration of the Holy Guardian Angel]

O thou great and blessed N. my angell guardian vouchsafe to descend from thy holy mansion which is Celestial, with thy holy Influence and presence, into this cristall stone, that I may behold thy glory; and enjoy thy society, aide and assistance, both now and for ever hereafter. O thou who art higer [higher] than the fortly [fourth] heaven, and knoweth the secrets of Elanel. Thou that rideth upon the wings of ye winds and art mighty and potent in thy Celestial and superlunary motion, do thou descend and be present I pray thee; and I humbly desiere and entreat thee. That if ever I have merited Thy socity [society] or if any of my actions and Intentions be real and pure & sanctified before thee bring thy external presence hither, and converse with me one of thy submissive pupils, By and in ye name of [the] great god Jehovah, whereunto the whole quire [choir] of heaven singeth continualy: O Mappa la man Hallelujah. Amen.

When you have said this over several times you will at last see strange sights and pasages [passages] in the stone and at last you will see your genius: Then give him a kind entertainement as you was [were] before directed declaring to him your minde and what you would have him doe, &c c.

So Endeth the second Part of the

Art Pauline